Currently Listening To
OK, so I've stopped waking up to songs, and I think it is because I am a bit overtired these days and haven't been sleeping enough. So, instead, I will do a "Currently Listening To . . ." until my inner stereo starts working again. Right now, it is the album Lushlife by Bowery Electric. Thanks, Rhapsody!

My mind is full of too many thoughts right now. First, summer has arrived with a hot, sweltering, humid day. It's still too early in the summer for me to be pissed off at days like this (the luxury of a cool, air-conditioned office contributes to that), but I'm sure by August I will be tired of it. But today, I stopped for a moment on the Washington Street bridge and just looked north across the river to the Sun-Times building, Boeing building, the western portion of Merchandise Mart, and the swarms of people walking from their various trains to their various offices, and I thought, how fortunate I am to live and work in this City, in this glorious summer. I thought of crossing that same bridge when it is 10 degrees outside in the middle of January, wrapped up and hunched over, dreaming of summer and wanting to just crawl back into bed until April. At that thought, I was even more thankful that it is a hot June day! (I won't say that summer is almost over -- just wait until the 4th of July and my doomsday talk will begin).
I am definitely not tooting my own horn here, but I'm training for a challenging half-ironman race in mid-July, and my friends Raquel and Kate and I met with our coach today, and once again we were scared s*%!less. She chided us for drinking, chided us for not going on back-to-back long bike rides and runs, and basically made me feel small. To me there is more to life than just training, but I guess I have the rest of the summer for that. That reminds me, I'm going to Maine in August! Yeah! Back to races and training -- the whole thing just makes me tired. : ( At least it'll be over in three weeks. Which of course means that summer is almost over. Just kidding! Still though, if I want a beer, I'm having a beer, dammit! What's with the exclamation points?!
I had more thoughts, such as, "Why do people take the elevator to go up just one floor, rather than taking the stairs, so as to interrupt my otherwise smooth commute to the 29th floor." But my annoyance at that has subsided. But seriously, people -- you can't take one flight of stairs!?!
I was going to start waxing about the Takings clause and eminent domain (hey Supreme Court, whaddya doing??), but I'll save that for later. Lucky you!

My mind is full of too many thoughts right now. First, summer has arrived with a hot, sweltering, humid day. It's still too early in the summer for me to be pissed off at days like this (the luxury of a cool, air-conditioned office contributes to that), but I'm sure by August I will be tired of it. But today, I stopped for a moment on the Washington Street bridge and just looked north across the river to the Sun-Times building, Boeing building, the western portion of Merchandise Mart, and the swarms of people walking from their various trains to their various offices, and I thought, how fortunate I am to live and work in this City, in this glorious summer. I thought of crossing that same bridge when it is 10 degrees outside in the middle of January, wrapped up and hunched over, dreaming of summer and wanting to just crawl back into bed until April. At that thought, I was even more thankful that it is a hot June day! (I won't say that summer is almost over -- just wait until the 4th of July and my doomsday talk will begin).
I am definitely not tooting my own horn here, but I'm training for a challenging half-ironman race in mid-July, and my friends Raquel and Kate and I met with our coach today, and once again we were scared s*%!less. She chided us for drinking, chided us for not going on back-to-back long bike rides and runs, and basically made me feel small. To me there is more to life than just training, but I guess I have the rest of the summer for that. That reminds me, I'm going to Maine in August! Yeah! Back to races and training -- the whole thing just makes me tired. : ( At least it'll be over in three weeks. Which of course means that summer is almost over. Just kidding! Still though, if I want a beer, I'm having a beer, dammit! What's with the exclamation points?!
I had more thoughts, such as, "Why do people take the elevator to go up just one floor, rather than taking the stairs, so as to interrupt my otherwise smooth commute to the 29th floor." But my annoyance at that has subsided. But seriously, people -- you can't take one flight of stairs!?!
I was going to start waxing about the Takings clause and eminent domain (hey Supreme Court, whaddya doing??), but I'll save that for later. Lucky you!
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