
This is us four at J's 30th birthday party. Yeah, I need to clean my lens. Or buy a new camera.
-- So here we are in fall again! I swear to god, I don't know when it became fall. All of a sudden, I looked up, and the trees were red. Beautiful. Undoubtedly my favorite season. Of course, if I see one more woman prematurely wearing knee high leather boots, I may have to smack her. People, it's still warm out! EASY.
-- I went to NY in a professional capacity. It was weird. But I'm proud of having been able to arrange that whole thing without a glitch. I ate at Momofuku and Pastis. The former was far better than the latter. Amazing. I am not a pork person, but I have never tasted more delicious pork. And who can make brussels sprouts and kimchee taste good together?
-- I think I have at least one more year in Chicago before I do anything drastic. It will just make things much easier. And hey, Chicago's not so bad. Though the whole college football/start drinking at noon until you pass out thing is utterly perplexing to me. People need to get lives and identities.
-- Mark Foley, North Korea, bleah bleah bleah. My head is still in the sand, more or less.
-- Dating, like interviewing, is a motherf-er. Men confuse me.
-- Back to the fall thing, I am feeling like almost a different person than I was one year ago. Yesterday I had to do something that, on one hand, brought back some bad memories. Begone, bad memories! On the other hand, it made me realize how far I've come since about 8 months ago. That was a bad time in my life, and I hope I will for the future make better choices that will prevent people and things like that from happening again. I guess people don't "happen," but you know what I mean. I'm trying.
-- I need to stop reading fashion magazines and going to Nordstrom and boutiques on Southport. EVIL. Continuing to patronize these places will hinder my redecorating plans. But I love my new and reconfigured clothes and shoes, and I feel like I'm honing my fashion sense. It takes work, man! I'm really excited too because I actually found a hat that fits my large head.
-- I'm looking forward to: pumpkin patches, apple cider, manhattans (let's be honest), crispy leaves, turkey, Christmas, snow, warm clothes, wasting an entire day making turkey chili and watching DVDs because it's too cold outside to do anything else, baths, and fires.
-- I'm not looking forward to: dry skin, dry nose, dry everything, everyone around me being sick, cold weather, constant (literal) darkness. I'll take the bad with the good.
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